Finances and Divorce
The process of getting divorced, or dissolving a civil partnership, in itself can be quite simple, but sorting out finances is often more difficult. This can lead to expensive and acrimonious disputes and even court proceedings.
In the end it is much better if you can reach an agreement between yourselves. You should seriously consider Collaborative law or family mediation. But your agreement needs to be informed by advice from a solicitor about what you might expect if your situation were to considered by a judge. This is a technical subject.
Essentially a judge would look at three separate aspects of your finances; your capital, which includes your home, savings, and business assets; your income which may lead to maintenance payments; and your pension arrangements. The law says simply that the judge must achieve a “fair and reasonable” settlement across these three categories, giving first priority to the needs of any children of the family whilst they are growing up. What this means in practice will depend very much on your own circumstances.
Click on the links in the text above, or on the page menu for more information, but you need to get individual advice from a solicitor about your own situation, and the probable outcome.